Happy 75th Birthday, Mom! 🥳

🎁🎂🎉 This page is a birthday tribute to you! 🎂🎊🎈

We love you and wish you the most happiest of birthdays…
Instead of a birthday card, to celebrate this special birthday you’re getting this ‘experience’.
We’re going to explore some of the best parts of your life with you!

Sit back and enjoy…

Scroll down to start the journey!👇

(Scroll slowly and click often for the full effect)

Speaking of journeys...You've been on a lot of incredible travels around the world 🗺️


Here are some of the flags of the many places you've visited

Can you name them all? 🤨











Back home you've had some lovely cat companions over the years...😸😻😽😸😻😽😸😻😽😸😻

And some odd balls too... 😸🧶


You've had many special celebrations from birthdays past! And delicious cake too... 🍰 😋

Watch this birthday highlight! 👀 Look at all those gifts and flowers! 💐🎁

Of all things you love to do swimming has got to be your favorite...

🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️

And of course winning races! 🥇

Here's a rough estimate I did of all the 1st place medals you've won over the years... 🤔

























































































That's a lot of medals...🤯

(I totally made up this count up by the way and, to be honest, you’ve probably won more than this!)

You married a creative, caring and thoughtful husband... 🚴‍♂️🎨

You’ve traveled many years, much distance, and through every type of experience together.
The story of how you met and finally got married has too many coincidences to be by accident.  You and dad were meant to be together and start a family…

You have a family whose love for you knows no bounds 🫶







You're an incredible Mom to Cyndi and I🧍‍♀️❤️

We’ve shared so many amazing experiences together and learned so much from you.  Through the easy and hard times, your steadfast love and support have helped shape who we are. For that we are eternally grateful! 🥲

I hope you've enjoyed this little birthday tribute to you. Sending you lots of love on this most special day!
Happy birthday, Mom!


And many more healthy and happy years to come!